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Book Club
Book Club

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Zoom Call

Book Club

You can choose: 1) weekly video chat 2) dialogue in the Discussion Forum 3) or invite friends to join you in-person. Whichever format(s) you choose, this is a great way to connect with God, your purpose, and other women! Click "RSVP" to get more info / sign up!

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Zoom Call


About the event


In August, we will start the book, The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life, by Hannah Whitall Smith.  Don't let the title fool you... this is a deep book for the woman who wants to purposely pursue Christ.  The "secret" may surprise you and I guarantee it will challenge you!

Born in 1832, Hannah lived a difficult life.  She experienced struggling with doubts about her faith, her husband's mental collapse (several times), the death of her son and later a daughter, her husband's marital infidelity and the instability of their marriage among many other trials.  Her resilency and faith was threatened many times as she learned to call on her deep love for and dependence on God to sustain her.

"There is a lingering myth among many Christians that salvation equals happiness - that a strong belief in God is all that's needed for a life of contentment.  The life and work of Hannah Whitall Smith, however, shows almost the opposite... That her work has achieved such a lasting success is truly a testimony to the depth of her faith, her unflagging reliance on God's love, and her intelligent and constnt search into the heart and mind of God."

Let's walk together, to read each chapter and first, allow God speak to you, and then enjoy sharing among others how God is speaking to them through the pages of this book.  Click "RSVP" to give info about days/times you are available and I will contact you.

I look forward to the journey with you,


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