Friend, do you feel like God is calling you out of your comfort zone into something new and scary? Allow me to share a little story with you.
One day a woman went outside to water her flowers. She noticed by her front door two little fledglings huddled up together against the wall. Seeing these vulnerable little creatures taking cover under her porch filled the woman with compassion and concern. She wanted to help but wasn’t sure how. After doing some research, she learned that the best thing to do for a little fledgling found outside the nest is to leave it alone because it is likely learning to fly and the momma bird is near keeping a watchful eye on her little one. Satisfied with her research, the woman left the fledglings alone but kept a watchful eye on them herself, knowing that once dusk came around predators would be lurking. A few hours later, the woman peeked out her window and to her delight, she saw the fledglings hopping around and flapping their wings. Then one suddenly took off in flight! The woman squealed with glee as she basked in the joy of having a front seat to God’s creation in action. From her window the woman cheered on the other little birdie as he struggled to get his feet off the ground. Suddenly, momma bird landed next to her baby and demonstrated a lift off. Moments later, the little bird imitated momma and he too was up in the air flying with the flock!
The comfort of the nest
Yes, the woman in the story is me! And God brought this experience to my recollection one Sunday morning at church to teach me a profound lesson. As I was praising our Lord I went to a place in my imagination where I often go to connect with Holy Spirit. It’s a place of intimacy and comfort for me because God gave it to me during a time when I was struggling with fear and anxiety and clinging to 2 Timothy 1:7. I saw myself in a nest high up on a mountain and the Holy Spirit represented by a beautiful white dove is protecting me under His powerful wings just like God says He will do for those who take refuge in Him in Psalms 91:4. But this time I wasn’t in the nest. I was on the back of the dove in flight. And then suddenly I was on the ground. In my heart I felt the Holy Spirit telling me that He is teaching me to fly, and though I may fall sometimes, He is with me. I whispered over and over to Holy Spirt, “I’m scared.” But as I was reminded of the little fledglings on my porch I felt comforted and loved.
Flying into the future
I don’t know what learning to fly entails for me. But I do know that God is asking me to embark on some things that I don’t feel prepared or adequate for. And I have a feeling that I am not the only one. Is God calling you into a new thing that terrifies you? Are you trying to stay in the safety of the nest when Holy Spirit is trying to teach you to spread your wings and fly? I’m here to offer you encouragement. And believe me when I say these words are as much for me as they are for you. God is with you. If He is asking you to take a leap of faith, you will not be alone. He will be with you and He will provide everything you need. Yes, the nest is a place of safety. But you are no less under God’s protection when you are on the ground struggling and vulnerable. Indeed, if God is anything like the momma birds I see in my front yard every day, there is a fierce protective covering over you. My husband has been the recipient of some serious dive-bombing action when he unknowingly walked too close to a bird’s young! How much more will our Father in Heaven protect us when it’s time for flight school? Take courage, sister! May fear never stop you from flying into the future!
Scriptures for meditation
Psalm 23
Psalm 91
John 10:1–18
Hebrews 13:6
Comment about something that you feel God is directing you towards that feels scary or beyond your comfort zone. We would love to pray with you!