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What’s on Your Kitchen Counter?

Writer's picture: Michelle BuchananMichelle Buchanan

There was a pecan pie sitting on the counter in the kitchen. Like any other woman with zero willpower, I took a bite of that pie virtually every time I walked by it.  Just one bite. And don’t you know it, after a few hours, I consumed WAAAY too much of that pie.  It got me thinking. What if…  what if I put something that was good for me in that space instead of pie? I could put a healthy vegetable to nibble which would be much better for me. What if I put God’s Word there? I could take a “bite” of the Bread of Life throughout the day. I could read one verse and “munch” on it while I walked away.

One day I did it. I put a verse I wanted to meditate on in that spot. I read that verse countless times throughout the day. It became hidden in my heart. Another day, I put my actual Bible there. I chose a Psalm and took 15 seconds to read one verse as I passed by. Many times, I found myself stopping to read more than one verse. I feasted on God’s Word, one bite at a time, throughout the day.

Psalm 34:8 NIV Taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him! 

Three things to help you “taste” more of God:

  1. Write a Scripture passage. Our soul connects with words differently when we write it in our own handwriting. Printed looks pretty; but writing  by hand makes it “mine.”Put it in front of you – your mirror, your desk, on the fridge, in the car, on the counter. Take 10 seconds to read it every time you pass by.

  2. Read Scripture out loud. When you combine your senses, you intake more.  By both using your eyes to read, ears to hear, mouth to speak and your fingers to touch God’s Word, you will “taste” more of it.

  3. Look up one of the words of the verse in its original language (Hebrew, Greek). This sounds super scholarly, but it’s actually very simple with online tools.  Google search:  “Greek meaning for peace in lexicon.”  Choose one or more websites and read what it says. Just reading the six definitions on the Blue Letter Bible website brings me peace!

Enjoy consuming God’s Word today – one bite at a time. It’s much better for you than pie!

John 14:27:  Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.

Meaning of this Greek word for peace (eirene) from Blue Letter Bible:  “a conception distinctly peculiar to Christianity, the tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and content with its earthly lot, of whatsoever sort that is.”

"εἰρήνη,” Blue Letter Bible, January 31, 2024,

We would love to hear from you! How can you see this idea working for you?


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